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My first EVER blog post!

How is it possible that blogs have been around since 1997 and this is the first time I have ever (sort of) ventured into this space?

I say "sort of" because we do have a travel blog that still just about exists online that my now husband and I created to keep friends and family updated when we went travelling for a year back in 2006/2007. I remember it very differently back then, sitting in a web cafe with ropey connection, blazing sunshine outside and intermittent air conditioning. I was mainly uploading photos of our trip to prove that we were still alive. Husband was the one writing the content.

This was me back then:

Me in Brazil, 2007

This photo was taken in Brazil after we'd be travelling for almost a year, we were about to come back home and start our lives again after a necessary pause. Fifteen years later and I've ventured back into the bloggin world - don't say I don't think these things through!

Let's do this!

So this is my first proper blog post and I thought I'd use it to explain a bit more about me.

After working as an interior designer for many years, before between and after having my girls, I finally made the decision to leave the industry behind and requalify. I had been badly burned by a boss and ended up at breaking point. I'd lost all sense of logic, all of my confidence and self belief and was at one of the lowest times in my life.

Then Covid hit.

I chose to take the opportunity to re-evaluate everything, in hindsight it couldn't have been timed better. Finally I had the space to think about what I really wanted to do with the rest of my life. I made the decision to re-train, embarking on a four year journey to become a psychotherapist. I had learned the benefits of working on my own mental health due to the aformentioned work burnout and wanted to reach out and help others.

I'm currently a year and a half into that journey so still plenty of time to go! I am now working as a career and life coach while working towards my coaching accreditation as well as my counselling and psychotherapy qualification, and I also work part time as a mental health support worker.

So I've done a total 180 on my previous life, it was time, in fact it was well overdue! My only constants that remain are my fabulous family & friends and my home. And if I've realised anything over that experience it's that they really are the only things that matter.

My Family in 2021

A bit older, a bit greyer and still smiling!

If you want to know more about my coaching business then you can head over to my insta page here!

Chat soon, Jill x


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